Traditional Estonian log-building with hand tools (inglise keelne kursus)

Toimumise aeg: 25.04–30.04.2016


April 25-30, 2016

Traditional Estonian log-building with hand tools

We invite you to learn how the log structures were built in old days only with hand tools. Over the six-day workshop, you’ll learn traditional Estonian log-building by cutting and raising a traditional smoke sauna (in est. suitsusaun), a small log building that is an iconic form in Estonian vernacular architecture.  Workshop participants will also learn about the historical and cultural context of log-building in Estonia, and about historic buildings and restoration techniques.
The workshop curriculum includes a visit to a nearby shop specializing in traditional clay and earth plastering, a day in an open-air museum and tour of the workshops of local log-building companies.
During the course 4 x 5 m sauna will be built with dove tail joints using only hand tools. Participants are not expected to have any log building experience.

The Tutor, Margus Palolill, is carpenter and teacher of Estonian traditional log-building. Born and raised in Southeast Estonia where heritage buildings are still amply present, he started with carpentry at the age of 20, first taking interest in shingle roofs and later in various traditional building styles – log-house, timberframe and earth building.

Training site: The course will be held in the Vanaajamaja Training Center for Traditional Building. It is located in the small village of Mooste, in southern Estonia. The Center is a renovated old grain dryer surrounded by 16th-century Mooste Manor. The Training Center consists of a broad workshop with enormous two-story heritage protected kiln oven, a small kitchenette for coffee breaks and a Finish sauna with showers and wardrobes.

Accommodations are at the Mooste guesthouse, which is a restored building in the historic manor complex. All meals will be provided, with an emphasis on local, home-cooked Estonian food.

Cost 675 euros includes everything in-country: transport, tuition, accommodation, meals, organized field-trips. Participants are responsible for their own international transport, travel insurance, and extra-curricular costs. Space is limited to 12 participants; please register early.

Language: The course is designed for non-Estonian speakers and will be held in English.


More information/questions:

The course will be hosted by Vanaajamaja, an Estonian non-profit organization dedicated to establishing training programs, disseminating information, and generally serving as a center of Estonian traditional building and log house renovation for the professional and general public alike. Vanaajaamaja has been hosting workshops and organizing training courses for Estonian carpenters since 1998.

Previous courses:

Koolituse toimumise koht:
Vanaajamaja training center